60 Authentications
SelectNo expiration
Certified Notarization
Application Installations
If you belong to a company that already has a DNA DOC Authentication contract, ask the HEAD Authenticator (root) of the company you are associated with to include the Authentication power in your registration and signature. In this case, the Head Authenticator (root) will be responsible for all Authentications.
If your company does not have a DNA DOC contract, define who will be the HEAD Authenticator so that we can identify you and the company you represent. Once registered as a HEAD Authenticator, he or she will be able to register all other Authenticators, always with the signature of the company prefix defined in the contract. The pricing of the contract will be proportional to the volume of estimated authentications with minimum monthly Authentication fees.
Server Installation
Batch Application and Check
APPs for Terminals
We apologize, but at this moment DNA DOC Authentication Plans are only available in Brazil.
As soon as they are available in your market, we would love to let you know by simply providing us with your email contact information below.
Thank you for your interest!